
The Tourist Zone of Sutla and Žumberak was founded in September of 2003 by the Zagreb County and within the project of Establishing a Tourist Cluster in the Common Tourist Zone of Sutla and Žumberak, financed by the European Union (CARDS "Local Development of Border Regions). The zone was determined as a closed spatial and economic unit, including the border areas of Croatia and parts of the Republic of Slovenia.

The zone is characterized by diversified landscape, cultural and historic heritage and dense of population. Everything you have ever dreamed of, the spot for a perfect vacation, may be discovered in the green areas of the Samobor and Žumberak hills and the romantic world of the town of Samobor, with its charming cafes, good restaurants, parks and a rich cultural heritage. The beauty of secret places and the unforgettable atmosphere of the traditional way of life, as well as the folklore, are waiting for you in Brdovec, Dubravica and Marija Gorica districts. Discover the idyllic and quiet green hills of Hrvatsko Zagorje, the unique early Baroque sacral monuments of the town of Klanjec, find Krapina and the famous archeological site of the Neanderthal Man. People of the Kraljevac district on the Sutla river honor their past with the taste of the best wines from Zagorje in wooden vineyard huts, some of them from the last century. Visit the picturesque medieval Baroque castles, thermal spas, enjoy the rich gastronomic offer and top-quality wines, the tradition and folklore, old crafts and customs, as well as public and holiday festivities and cultural manifestations. If you are interested in religious tourism and spiritual renewal, visit the largest Marian sanctuary in Croatia, Marija Bistrica.

Our story on the miraculous nature and the rich heritage is based on the organized offer by the Tourist Cluster of Sutla and Žumberak, founded by the initiative of the Zagreb County. The members of the Tourist Cluster are business subjects with a common interest of providing tourist services: traditional crafts and arts, ethnographic collections, museums, galleries, family farms and others offering accommodation, gastronomic and entertainment services.

The purpose of founding the Cluster of Sutla and Žumberak was to connect the members to resolve their common problems and exchange positive experiences through the common cluster management - Poduzetnički centar Samobor (Entrepreneur Center Samobor) and Zagorska razvojna agencija - to create recognizable tourist brands and common tourist products by forming a competitive tourist offer.

The Cluster is managed by the association Tourist Cluster of Sutla and Žumberak, registered on June 19, 2006 with headquarters in Bregana, Đ. Basaričeka 4. The association currently has over 40 members.

The hospitality, diversity of entertainment and offer, resting options in the green, domestic cuisine, quality wines, return to the county and nature, the new options of holiday-making, adventures in the nature and the new tourist forms and events - all this and much more is provided by the Tourist Cluster of Sutla and Žumberak.