Entrepreneur Center Samobor, Ltd
Zagorska 41, Samobor
Tel: +385 1 3336 830; 091 3325 348
Fax : +3851 3336 832
E-mail : xxxpcsinfoxtaxpcsamobor.hr
Web : www.pcsamobor.hr
The limited liability company Entrepreneur Center Samobor, Ltd (Poduzetnički centar Samobor, d.o.o.) was founded in 2001 in order to promote entrepreneurship in general and especially as the entrepreneur infrastructure on the local level. The founder is the town of Samobor. The goal is to realize the strategic goals of economic development, the vision of the town of Samobor as the community with a healthy entrepreneur initiative which enables progress of the young, a constant economic growth and preservation of environment, full employment and preservation of tradition.
The company offers a continual business support to entrepreneurs through the following activities: consultations on starting a business and financing projects, developing investment plans, business plans and investment projects, informing on the support programs and credit lines, organizing various types of seminars, panel discussions, connecting entrepreneurs through a Tourist Cluster of Sutla and Žumberak, promoting activities at local and international economic fairs, promotional programs of Entrepreneur Zones and attracting potential investors.